The Pedigree Index - List of PI Names

What is the Pedigree Index

A list of family tree pedigrees was started by Hilary Lloyd and then taken over by the late Don Hayward (with his late wife Wendy) on behalf of the Isle of Wight Family History Society. The PI was set up before the explosion of the internet and was to facilitate the connection of tree holders to each other and for enquiries.
There are now more than 1760 trees in the index (about 610 tree names) and aboutr 550,000 individual entries, some people are in more than 1 tree.
The management of the Pedigree Index was transferred to Carol Furze, in 2016 and has now benn handed on to Mike Hoar
The index comprises submitted trees that have not been checked for accuracy. The information in the index should be used as a guide, but please double check yourself.
A list of tree names in the index is shown below.
If a name is of interest, but is not one of the key surnames, then please contact Mike Hoar, by email.
When asking about the people you are enquiring about please provide as much information as possible i.e., dates/places of birth/baptism/marriage/death/burial, maybe these are not known but the spouse or children are.
Most pedigree names have several distinct lines and are not all connected to each other and there are dozens of William and Mary 'Bloggs'. The person you seek may be entered into a tree with a different name due to marriage.
No information about living people will be disclosed.
For logged in subscribed members, there is a searchable database of those trees for which the owner has given consent.


Added since December 2019 :

  • Bunter
  • Burford
  • Chalk
  • Elsbury
  • Fidget
  • Jefferies
  • Perry
  • Wingfield

Showing 181 to 360 of 608 entries

Eldridge Elgar Elger Elliott Elms Elsbury
Evans Evemy Everingham Exton Eyers Fallick
Farley Farrow Feben Fidgett Fleming Flux
Ford Forehead Fox Frampton Francis Frankin
French Frost Fry Fryer Fuller Galley
Gapes Gardiner Gatrall Gatrell Gatrill Gawn
Geddes Gentle Gibbons Gibson Gillingham Gladwin
Glasbey Godden Good Goodall Goodenough Gosden
Granger Grant Gray Greenham Greenham Greening
Gregory Griffin Griffiths Groundsell Groves Gubbins
Gustard Gutteridge Guy Hale Hallett Halliday
Halsted Hannam Hansen Harding Hardy Harley
Harris Harry-Hendy Harvey Hatcher Hawkins Hayden
Hayles Hayter Hayward Hayward Heal Hearn
Heath Hendy Henton Hess Hillier Hills
Hillyer Hiscock Hobbs Hogg Holbrook Holdway
Hollis Holloway Holmes Holt Holton Honeybourne
Hookey Hopgood Horlock Horsey Hoskins Hounsell
Humber Hunnybun Hunt Hurst Hutt Huxford
Iles Ings Isaacs Jackman Jackson Jacob
Jacobs James Jefferies Jeffery Jeffrey Jenkins
Jenno Jerome Jerram Joblin Johnson Jolliffe
Jones Jordan Josling Jupe Kearley Kearney
Keate Kellaway Kelleway Kelloway Kemp Kerr
Kimber King King-Wheeler Kingswell Knight Knocker
Lacey Lallow lambert Lane Lane Langdon
Langley Langtry Launder Leal Learmouth Legg
legge Leggett Leigh Leonard Leppard Lewin
Linington Linnington List Lock Lockhart Lockyer
Loe Long Lorve Love Low Lowe