Search the Isle of Wight BMD Births Index
Please enter either a Surname or Other Surname (or both). You can use % characters as wildcards within the name. Do not use * as a wildcard.
The Other Surname is usually the mother's maiden name. If you do not check either the Exact or the Soundex option, surnames beginning with the entered name will be returned. If you use the Exact or Soundex options, please enter a full Surname.
PLEASE NOTE :- If you plan to order a Birth Certificate from the local Registrar for the Isle of Wight, you will need to give the Mother's full name (maiden surname and forenames). If the parties married on the Isle of Wight you should be able to determine this using our Marriages search feature (use the Both Bride & Groom name search option). However, if the parents were married elsewhere then some online indexes do not always gives the full names of the parties. If the birth was over 50 years ago then researchers can just put 'not known' in the mother's full name required field and the application for the certificate will be processed as normal.