Search the Inquests Reports
This database holds mainly reports on Inquests held on the Isle of Wight, for deaths which occurred on the Island, or which fell within the jurisdiction of the Isle of Wight Coroner's Office. Sources of information include the Coroner's Expense Books, newspaper reports, military records, Deaths in custody, et al. We are indebted to Anthony Bevis and a team of volunteers for researching these sets of records. You may find multiple entries for the same event, if it was reported more than once, or if an entry appeared in the Coroner's Expense Books as well as being reported in newspapers.
This is a work in progess. Links will open up a new tab in your browser. The searches are made on surname, forenames and date, and may give more than 1 potential match.
Please enter a Surname. The wildcard character % may be used anywhere within the search field. Entering a name e.g. Smith, will extract all names starting with Smith i.e. Smith, Smithson etc.