Cemetery Indexes and Plans
Isle of Wight Council Bereavement Services
The Isle of Wight has 11 municipal Cemeteries and the Crematorium at Whippingham, managed by the Bereavement Services section of the Council.
The Cemeteries are :
Barton (St Paul's)
Carisbrooke (Mount Joy)
East Cowes (Kingston)
Newport (Fairlee Road)
Northwood (Cowes)
Information about the interments at the Cemeteries, and cremations at the Crematorium, can be obtained from Bereavement Services. See :
Searchable database of Burials and Cremations in Council managed Cemeteries and the Crematorium.
Document entries and copies of the original plot maps can be downloaded (for a fee). See :
Friends of Cemeteries
Several of the Cemeteries have "Friends" organisations which look after the cemeteries, and provide information about the burials therein. Each has searchable online indexes.
Friends of Northwood Cemetery
Information about the cemetery at Northwood (Cowes). See :
Friends of Newport and Carisbrooke Cemeteries
Information about the cemeteries at Newport (Fairlee Road), Barton (St Paul's) and Carisbrooke (Mount Joy). See :
Friends of East Cowes
Information about the cemetery at East Cowes (Kingston Road). See :
Ryde Social Heritage Group
Information about the cemeteries at Ashey, Binstead, Ryde and St John's Cemetery at Westridge Cross (which is not a municipal burial ground). See :
"Quigley Indexes"
David J Quigley prepared cemetery and crematorium indexes, and cemetery plans, in the early 2000s, and published them as PDFs and images on CDs. He recorded burials up to the year 2000.
Much of his work has been superceded by the "Friends" organisations mentioned above, and up to date information on more recent burials can be obtained from Bereavement Services.
Nevertheless the information that he collated relating to a number of the cemeteries and the crematorium, may still be of use. The links below give the indexes he prepared, and the sketch plans.
The Indexes are presented in alphabetic order by surname. They can be searched using your browser Ctrl + F find feature.
The plans are fairly low resolution, but can be useful in trying to locate a plot.
We do still have the Quigley indexes and plans for the other cemeteries and the crematorium. Let us know if you would like to see these. but they are more of a historic curiosity than the information provided by Bereavement Services and the "Friends" organisations.