Search the Isle of Wight BMD Marriages Index

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The Isle of Wight Family History Society has created this index from the marriage registers held by the IW Superintendent Registrar. Unfortunately the Registrar has no jurisdiction to call for registers which are still at the churches and chapels; only when they are full (registers vary from 20 to 500 marriage entries) are they then deposited with the Registrar and we have access to them. With churches that have few marriages it may be many years before its marriages can be added to the BMD Index - there are several churches where marriages in the 1970s have not yet been added.

So, if you cannot find a marriage as you might expect to, please consider this as a possible reason.

Registers deposited (in 2012) include : SS Peter's and Paul's Church, Mottistone (1978-2010), St John's Church, Sandown (1993-2010), Christ Church, Sandown (1989-2007), St Thomas's Church, Newport (1985-2011).

Registers deposited (in 2013) include : St Mary's Church, Brighstone (2007-2010), St John's Church, Oakfield (Ryde) (2004-2010).

Registers deposited (in 2014) include : Holy Trinity Church, Ryde (1987-2013) [This Church has now closed], St John's Church, Niton (2009-2010), St James' Church, Yarmouth (2005-2010) and St. Agnes' Church, Freshwater (2008-2010).

Registers deposited up to 2024 (entries added or updated for years shown) include : St Paul's Church, Barton (1994-2010); All Saints Church, Calbourne (1980-2010); Church of the Holy Cross, Binstead (1989-2010); St Nicholas-in-Castro, Carisbrooke (1989-2001); St Andrew's Church, Chale (2001-2010); All Saints Church, Freshwater (2008-2010); St Paul's Church, Gatten (Shanklin) (1985-2010); All Saints Church, Godshill (2010); St Peter's Church, Havenstreet (2002-2010); All Saints Church, Newchurch (2009-2010); St John's Church, Newport (1992-2010); Church of the Holy Spirit, Newtown (2006-2007); All Saints Church, Ryde (2008-2020); St James' Church, Ryde (1999-2010); St Lawrence (Old) Church (1990-2010); Christ Church, Sandown (2008-2010); St Michael and All Angels' Church, Shalfleet (2008-2010); St Blazius' Church, Shanklin (2007-2010); St Peter's Church, Shorwell (2006-2010); St Saviour's Church, Shanklin (1989-2010); St Swithin's Church, Thorley (2009-2010); Christ Church, Totland (2007-2010); Holy Trinity Church, Ventnor (1977-2010); St Catherine's Church, Ventnor (2001-2010); St Alban's Church, Ventnor (1972-2010); St Mildred's Church, Whippingham (2005-2010), St Mary's and St Rhadagund's Church, Whitwell (2005-2010); St Edmund's Church, Wootton (2003-2010).

A further batch of entries not previously recorded in full, from the remaining outstanding churches and approved premises from 1982-2010 have now been entered (28 venues, not listed in detail). Only one church (East Cowes Methodist Church) has not been fully documented.

The Isle of Wight Record Office holds a set of photocopies of marriage registers. These are from 1837 to 1910 only and for Anglican Churches only on the Isle of Wight. Copies can be made from these photocopies for 30 pence a sheet plus a service charge of £3.00 per order within the UK and £5.00 overseas. Postage is now included in the service charge. Sometimes the reference to the occupation of the father is not complete. A few of the entries are faint. These are not official marriage certificates which can only be provided by the Registrar for the Isle of Wight, but they do give the signatures of the parties to the marriage and the two witnesses. The Record Office have placed an Index to these entries, in PDF format, on their website - see Record Office and scroll to the bottom of the page. These indexes also give the fathers' names of the parties.