The County Record Office at Newport has over 800 family files which have been donated by members of the public, or compiled by CRO staff.
This page gives an Index (up to date at July 2022) of the holdings.
Please contact the CRO if you wish to see any of these files. The contents vary considerably - from sketchy family information to fully developed pedigrees. The reference number given is the file number within the box files stored at the CRO on open shelves, or in some cases as printed books.
Use Ctrl+F on your keyboard to find a specific name.
Abbott | 685 | Abraham | 378 | Abrook | 762 | Abrooke | 305 |
Adams and Tutton | 751 | Adams | 800 | Alchorne | 147 | Alderslade | 241 |
Aldridge | 357 | Alexander | 306 | Allen | 189 | Allen | 775 |
Alley | 508 see book on cabinet | Andrews | 308 | Angell | 814 | Arnold | 153 |
Arnold Edith and Isaac | 603 | Arthur | 380 | Arthur of Niton | 718 | Ash | 717 |
Ash and George | 801 | Ashburton | 206 | Atkey | 127 / 250 | Atkins | 457 |
Attrill | 188 | Attrill and Earley | 412 | Attrill of Dean Farm | 789 | Attrill and Sweetman | 793 |
Aukjo | 246 | Austin | 612 | Austin | 812 | Ayrton | 570 |
Babbidge | 101 | Badal | 339 | Bailey | 357 | Baker | 267 |
Baker | 572 | Balaam | 517 | Ballard | 272 | Ballard | 428 |
Bannister | 273 | Banson Charles | 709 | Barkham | 261 | Barkham | 421 |
Barkham file 2 | 482 | Barnes | 349 | Barnes | 367 | Barnes | 601 |
Barrington | 116 | Bartlett | 368 | Bartlett | 453 | Barton | 167 |
Barton | 499 | Barton | 552 | Barton | 643 | Bascombe | 385 |
Bascombe | 511 | Baskett | 146 | Bassano | 779 | Bastable | 205 |
Batswing Godshill | 749 | Bedford | 97 | Beere | 347 | Beere | 369 |
Beken | 61 | Bennett | 175 | Bennett Plantation Virginia | 797 | Bentham | 130 |
Bettesworth | 234 | Beville | 808 see book on cabinet | Bevis | 216 | Bevis | 614 |
Biddlecombe | 394 | Bide | 783 | Bishop | 365 | Blachford | 219 |
Blachford | 559 | Black | 355 | Black | 607 | Blake | 78 |
Blandford and Bush | 748 and Richard Blake of Niton p.42 | Blow | 359 | Bloxham | 81 | Bocland | 96 |
Bonham Carter | 125 | Bowreman | 52 | Brackley | 338 | Brading | 344 |
Brading | 416 | Braman or Broman | 128 | Bramble | 228 | Brannon | 59 |
Branshott | 138 | Brett | 43 | Brett | 461 | Brett | 502 |
Bright | 752 | Brigstocke | 83 | Brine | 370 | Brine and Halfpenny | 767 |
Broad | 151 | Broman or Braman | 128 | Brook | 122 | Brown and de Sa | 726 |
Browne | 80 | Brudenell | 371 | Brune | 265 | Buckell | 220 |
Bucket | 445 | Buckett | 165 | Buckett | 618 | Buckler | 352 |
Bull | 74 | Bull | 840 | Bullingham | 371 | Bullock | 54 |
Burden | 429 | Burleigh | 93 | Burnett | 640 | Bush and Blandford | 748 |
Butler | 541 | Byles | 196 | Callaway | 331 | Calthorpe | 162 |
Campbell | 759 | Cantelo | 186 | Cantelo | 810 | Carley Thomas | 631 |
Carter-Atherley | 125 | Carus Wilson | 257 | Caryl | 268 | Cassford | 490 |
Cause or Cawse | 223 | Cave | 645 | Cawse or Cause | 223 | Chambers | 372 |
Chambers | 503 | Chambers | 691 | Chambers and Downer | 788 | Cheeke | 431 |
Cheke | 91 | Chessell or Chestle | 19 | Chessell | 708 | Chestle or Chessell | 19 |
Chevalier | 658 | Cheverton or Chiverton | 64 | Cheverton | 648 | Cheverton | 708 |
Cheverton | 806 | Chiverton or Cheverton | 64 | Christian | 155 | Churchill | 58 |
Churchill | 597 | Civil | 185 | Clarke | 103 | Clarke | 509 |
Clarke | 760 | Clarke Eliza | 838 | Clavell | 687 | Coke or Cooke | 79 |
Cole | 115 | Coleman | 211 | Coleman | 622 | Colenutt or Colenett | 56 |
Colenutt | 544 | Colenutt and Sprake | 581 | Colenutt William and Sarah | 625 | Colenutt | 716 |
Colenutt Eli, of Niton | 737 | Collier | 247 | Collins | 790 | Compton | 295 |
Connelly | 615 | Cooke or Coke | 79 | Cooper | 224 | Cooper | 471 |
Cooper | 560 | Cooper James Edward House | 649 | Corke | 177 | Corke | 847 |
Corney | 230 | Cosh | 686 | Cottesmore | 143 | Cotton | 5 |
Cotton | 521 | Cowdery | 596 | Cox | 802 | Creeth | 309 |
Crew | 373 | Croad | 447 | Crouch | 195 | Croucher | 791 |
Crozier | 82 | Crump | 232 | Cutts | 20 | Daish | 324 |
Dallimore | 660 | Damant | 161 | Daniel | 827 | Davis Whitewood | 144 |
Davison | 841 | Daw | 592 | Dawes | 235 | Dawson | 720 |
Dawson | 848 | Day | 325 | Day | 536 | Day | 538 |
Day | 639 | Day | 674 | Day | 755 | De Estur | 140 |
De Fortibus | 200 | De Heyno | 139 | De Redvers | 388 | de Sa and Brown | 726 |
Deacon | 697 | Del Estre | 569 | Denham | 377 | Denham | 392 |
Denham | 492 | Denham | 770 | Denham | 786 | Dennett | 77 |
Dennys or Denys | 141 | Denton | 695 | Denys or Dennys | 141 | Deptford | 771 |
Dickens | 16 | Dier or Dyer | 129 | Dillington | 50 | Dimmick | 661 |
Dingley | 10 | Dingley | 287 | Donne | 17 | Doore or Dore | 40 |
Dore or Doore | 40 | Dore | 455 | Dore | 769 | Doudney | 662 |
Dove | 202 | Downer | 75 | Downer | 690 | Downer and Chambers | 788 |
Downer | 843 | Draper | 341 | Drayton | 547 | Drover | 848 |
Duckett or Duckitt | 94 | Duckett | 242 | Duckitt or Duckett | 94 | Dunkinson | 374 see book on cabinet |
Dunkinson | 844 | Dyer or Dier | 129 | Dyer and Tribbeck | 437 | Dyer | 438 |
Dyer married name Herbert | 567 | Dyer Tribbeck and Gladdis | 582 | Dyer Henry, of Binstead | 633 | Earley | 389 |
Earley and Attrill | 412 | Earlisman | 278 | Eddiw or Eddo | 6 | Eddo or Eddiw | 6 |
Edging | 332 | Edmunds | 178 | Edmunds Cooper | 514 | Edney | 474 |
Edwards | 464 | Edwards | 469 | Eldridge | 249 | Elliott | 723 |
Ernley | 279 | Estcourt | 340 | Ewbank | 654 | Ewing | 772 |
Fabian | 442 | Fallick | 258 | Fardell | 187 | Farrington | 149 |
Fitchett | 275 | Fleming | 18 | Flux | 663 | Focquet | 66 |
Foot Taylor | 527 | Ford | 523 | Forehead | 333 | Forehead | 638 |
Frampton | 515 | Francis | 179 | Freke | 210 | French Mill - History | 676 |
Fry and Meader | 506 see book on cabinet | Fryer of Yarmouth and Cowes | 539 | Gaiger | 451 | Galley | 727 |
Galton | 303 | Garde | 271 | Gardiner | 133 | Gardiner | 558 |
Geary | 95 | George | 323 | George and Ash | 801 | Gibbs | 88 |
Gladdis Tribbeck and Dyer | 582 | Gladdis | 588 | Glamorgan | 296 | Gleed | 256 |
Glynn | 55 | Godfrey | 280 | Godshill | 184 | Goldsmith | 351 |
Good | 548 | Goodall | 198 | Goodall | 497 | Goodall and Young | 554 |
Goodall | 750 | Gordon | 169 | Gorges | 263 | Goter | 262 |
Grant | 605 | Grapes | 379 | Graves | 472 | Gregory | 728 |
Greves | 774 | Griffin | 281 | Grist | 677 | Grose or Grose Smith / Smith | 194 |
Groves | 84 | Groves | 571 | Gunter | 411 | Guy | 99 |
Guy | 473 | Guy John | 805 | Habberd or Herbert | 114 | Hale or Hayle or Heal | 222 |
Hales or Hayle or Heal | 22 | Halfpenny of House of Industry | 391 | Halfpenny and Brine | 767 | Hammond | 42 |
Hammond Graeme | 243 | Harbour | 742 | Harbour | 804 | Harding | 225 |
Harding and Prangnell | 543 | Hardley or Harley | 113 | Harley Hardley | 113 | Harris | 119 |
Harris | 819 | Harvey | 7 | Harvey | 385 | Harvey | 565 |
Harvey of Old Park and Dean Farm | 825 | Harvie Anna, of House of Industry | 346 | Hatton | 131 | Haward | 63 |
Hayden | 176 | Hayden or Hoydon | 758 | Hayles or Heal or Hale(s) | 222 | Hayles | 357 |
Hayles | 418 | Hayles | 595 | Hayles | 608 | Hayles | 621 |
Hayles William Morris | 630 | Hayward and Rowe | 729 | Head | 310 | Heal or Hayle or Hale(s) | 222 |
Hearn | 87 | Hearn | 443 | Hearn | 466 | Hearn | 529 |
Hearn Toomer and Jacobs | 733 | Heaton | 480 | Hellyer | 357 | Hendy | 525 |
Herbert or Habberd | 114 | Herbert nee Dyer | 567 | Hewitt | 60 | Hide or Hyde | 72 |
Hill | 157 | Hill | 731 | Hillier and Knox | 522 | Hills | 204 |
Hilyer | 619 | Hilyer | 623 | Hobart | 120 | Hobson or Hopson | 4 |
Hodge | 710 | Hodges | 792 | Holbrooke | 282 | Holdaway | 761 |
Holdway | 647 | Holebrook | 574 | Holford Robert | 829 | Hollis | 12 |
Hollis | 739 | Holloway of Freshwater | 778 | Holmes | 23 | Holmes | 540 |
Hooke | 28 | Hookey | 587 | Hookey | 666 | Hopkins | 43 |
Hopson or Hobson | 4 | Horlock and Jeffery | 689 | Horner | 98 | Horsey | 15 |
How | 86 | Hoydon or Hayden | 758 | Hunber | 468 | Hunber | 816 |
Hungerford | 284 | Hurst | 450 | Hurst | 524 | Hurst | 740 |
Hutt | 221 | Hyde Hide | 72 | Jackman | 8 | Jacob | 681 |
Jacobs | 126 | Jacobs | 500 | Jacobs | 535 | Jacobs Toomer and Hearn | 733 |
James | 212 | James Sivell Musson | 433 | James and Norris | 557 | Jeffery | 355 |
Jeffery | 439 | Jeffery and Horlock | 689 | Jerome | 299 | Joblin | 311 |
Joblin | 507 see book on cabinet | Jobson Farm. Niton | 624 | Johnson | 136 | Johnson | 495 |
Johnson | 699 | Joliffe | 73 | Joliffe | 580 | Joliffe | 593 |
Joliffe | 599 | Joliffe | 653 | Jones | 692 | Jones | 698 |
Jonkers | 441 | Joyce | 238 | Judd | 229 | Jupe | 396 |
Jupe | 626 | Karley | 459 | Kearley | 358 | Keen | 538 |
Kemp | 213 | Kent | 395 | Kent | 395 | Kimber | see book 929.2/TRI |
Kingswell | 644 | Kingswell | 809 | Kirkpatrick | 11 | Knell | 302 |
Knight Cyril Gradwick | 757 | Knight Charles George | 777 | Knox and Hillier | 522 | La Pierre | 294 |
Knight | 270 | Knight Stephen | 425 | Knight | 443 | Knight | 530 |
Lacey | 375 | Lacey | 449 | Lale or Leal | 132 | Lallow | 741 |
Lambert | 787 | Lane of Freshwater | 398 | Lane | 463 | Lane | 635 |
Lane descendants of John | 813 | Langry | 334 | Lawrence | 180 | Leal or Lale | 132 |
Legg | 277 | Legg | 563 | Leigh | 29 | Leigh | 609 |
List | 226 | List | 424 | Loader | 821 | Lock of Haylands | 236 |
Locks Farm | 475 | Loe | 606 | London | 684 | Long | 171 |
Love | 134 | Love | 414 | Loving | 70 | Lowe | 636 |
Lydall | 231 | Lyle | 239 | Mabey | 452 | Mackett | 285 |
Mackett | 704 | Major | 297 | Mann | 781 | Mansfield | 219 |
March | 124 | March | 496 | Marconi | 159 | Marriott | 312 |
Martell | 300 | Marx | 57 | Masters | 646 | Matthews | 307 |
Matthews | 445 | Matthews of Godshill | 484 | Maybrick | 400 | McDermott | 694 |
Meader | 343 | Meader and Fry | 506 see book on cabinet | Meader | 820 | Merwood | 192 |
Meux or Mewis or Mewes | 53 | Mew | 335 | Mew | 498 | Mew | 546 |
Mew Henry | 627 | Mewes or Meux or Mewis | 53 | Mewis or Meus or Mewes | 53 | Midlane | 34 |
Midlane | 436 | Midlane of St Helens | 487 | Midlane James and Fanny | 573 | Miller | 150 |
Miller | 445 | Mills | 160 | Milne | 207 | Minter | 259 |
Mitchell | 199 | Mitchell | 679 | Moir | 401 | Moncrief of Wroxall | 744 |
Moore | 298 | Moore | 470 | Moore | 714 | Moore | 773 |
Moorman | 135 | Moorman | 465 | Morey | 409 | Morey | 476 |
Morey | 620 | Morey Isaac | 628 | Morey Fanny | 673 | Morgan | 274 |
Morgan | 652 | Morris | 301 | Morris | 651 | Morris file & CD | 659 |
Moses | 313 | Moss | 454 | Moulton Barrett Westover | 671 | Mountbatten | 25 |
Munns | 364 | Murcell | 794 | Mursell | 237 | Mustchin | 735 |
Nash | 41 see book 929.2/TRI | Neat | 696 | Netten or Notten | 190 | Netten | 668 |
Newberry | 251 | Newland | 164 | Newnham | 112 | Niton Manor farm | 719 |
Nobbs | 454 | Norris | 203 | Norris | 444 | Norris and James | 557 |
Norris | 561 | Norris George, of Arreton | 562 | Norris of Freshwater | 617 | Norris | 766 |
Norris | 768 | Norton | 288 | Notten or Netten | 190 | Nuland Robert | 632 |
Nutman | 443 | Nutman | 531 | O'Dell | 350 | Oglander | 118 |
Oglander of Arreton | 501 | Old Thatch Cottage Wroxall | 822 | Pagenham | 284 | Palmer | 111 |
Parsons | 404 | Parsons | 568 | Parsons | 746 | Paulet Bolton | 13 |
Payne | 410 | Payne | 512 | Payne | 745 | Peach | 327 |
Pedder | 168 | Pelham Yarborough | 32 | Perkins | 366 | Perry | 590 |
Perry | 680 | Peters | 30 | Phene | 549 | Phillbrick | 556 |
Phillips | 110 | Phillips | 443 | Phillips | 458 | Phillips of St Helens | 485 |
Phillips | 533 | Pilkington | 354 | Pilkington | 497 | Pinhorn | 39 |
Pitt | 328 | Pittis | 51 | Plantagenet | 244 | Plumbley | 657 |
Point Cottage Niton | 818 | Pope | 92 | Pope | 439 | Pope | 796 |
Popham | 142 | Porter | 386 | Pound | 286 | Powell Harcourt | 276 |
Prangnell and Harding | 543 | Prangnell | 753 | Pressey | 329 | Price | 682 |
Pringle | 2 see also FHS file 237 | Prouten | see book 929.2/PRO/2020 | Quelch | 807 | Rackett | 348 |
Rackett | 383 | Rackett and Wedge | 707 | Rann | 440 | Ratsey | 48 |
Rattey | 182 | Read | 26 | Read | 289 | Read | 513 |
Red Cross Cottage Seaview | 664 | Redman | 407 | Redstone | 46 | Reed | 776 |
Reeder | 479 | Rees | 586 | Rew Farm | 669 | Reynolds | 479 |
Richmond Legh | 191 | Ridett | 725 | Ridley | 405 | Roach | 89 |
Roberts | 221 | Roberts West Cowes | 384 | Robertson | 353 | Rockley | 390 |
Rogan | 304 | Rogers | 266 | Rogers | 520 | Rowe and Hayward | 729 |
Royal Marines | 493 | Rudgeley | 782 | Ruffin | 107 | Rugg | 477 |
Ruskin | 47 | Russell | 137 | Russell | 583 | Russell | 589 |
Russell | 637 | Russell | 754 | Saker | 363 | Salter | 419 |
Salter | 430 | Samms | 584 | Saphire | 336 | Saunders | 553 |
Saunders | 577 | Saunders | 629 | Scott | 655 | Scovell | 326 |
Scovell | 722 | Scriven | 616 | Scudamore | 385 | Searle | 68 |
Searle | 743 | Seeley Mottistone | 121 | Selby or Selsby | 253 | Selsby or Selby | 253 |
Selsby | 564 | Sewell | 65 | Seymour | 545 | Shanklin | 579 |
Sheath | 432 | Sheath | 798 | Sheath | 839 | Sherley | 1 |
Shotler | 217 | Shutler | 811 | Sibbeck | 315 | Sibley | 250 |
Sibthorpe | 109 | Simeon | 33 | Simmonds | 108 | Singer | 542 |
Singleton | 402 | Sivell | 406 | Sivier | 387 | Sivier | 736 |
Smith | 532 | Smith of Shide | 784 | Smyth or Smith | 90 | Smyth or Smith | 443 |
Sivier | 831 | Smith or Smyth | 90 | Smith or Grose Smith | 194 | Smith or Smyth | 443 |
Snow | 591 | Sothcott | 356 | Southcott | 462 | Sowle Missing | 318 |
Spartall Michael | 799 | Spearing | 460 | Spencer | 393 | Spencer | 764 |
Spindler | 397 | Sprake | 245 | Sprake | 487 | Sprake and Colenutt | 581 |
Sprake | 756 | Squib | 218 | Squibb | 667 | Squibb | 670 |
Stagg | 634 | Stallard | 566 | Stanley | 148 | Stanwix | 117 |
Stark | 810 | Starke | 342 | Station Avenue, no 87 Sandown | 763 | Stephens or Stevens | 21 |
Stephens or Stevens | 828 | Stephenson | 683 | Stevens or Stephens | 21 | Stevens or Stephens | 828 |
Steward | 322 | Stigant of St Helens | 193 | Stone | 248 | Storey | 516 |
Stratton | 357 | Streaper | 362 | Sweet | 641 | Sweetman and Attrill | 793 |
Swinburne | 27 | Symmonds | 439 | Taverners | 345 | Taylor | 102 |
Taylor | 478 | Taylor | 600 | Taylor Emily | 602 | Taylor John, Coastguard | 703 |
Tharle | 201 | Thatcher | 290 | Theobald | 152 | Three Gates Cottages from 1861-1890s | 780 |
Thurlow | 712 | Tipps Isaac, of Carisbrooke | 724 | Toogood | 382 | Toogood | 510 |
Toomer Jacobs and Hearn | 733 | Trattle | 24 | Trenchard | 317 | Tresford | 489 |
Tribbeck and Dyer | 437 | Tribbeck Dyer and Gladds | 582 | Trickett | 106 | Trinder | see book on cabinet |
Tross | 330 | Tross | 711 | Troughear | 154 | Trussler | 688 |
Tucker | 446 | Tucker | 551 | Tutton | 399 | Tutton | 585 |
Tutton and Adams | 751 | Twyman | 252 | Tyler | 320 | Tyreman | 413 |
Upton | 815 | Urry | 35 | Urry of Newport | 488 | Urry | 519 |
Urry Henry and Mary Ann | 534 | Urry Keturah | 598 | Urry | 642 | Urry | 656 |
Vavascour | 293 | Vince | 594 | Wadham | 14 | Wadham | 434 |
Wadham | 702 | Waggett | 481 | Walbridge | 183 | Walker | 221 |
Walker | 734 | Waller | 291 | Walsh | 316 | Ward | 85 |
Ward | 550 | Warder | 3 | Warder of Thorncross House | 456 | Warder | 555 |
Warne | 403 | Warne | 765 | Wavell | 105 | Wavell | 610 |
Way | 104 | Way | 483 | Wayte | 269 | Wearn | 426 |
Webb | 22 | Webster | 123 | Wedge and Rackett | 707 | Weeks | 422 |
Weeks | 785 | Welcome | 337 | Welcome | 803 | Wellington Hotel Ventnor | 665 |
Westmore | 319 | Weston | 715 | Westover Mountil Barrett | 671 | Wetham | 408 |
Whatley | 156 | Wheeler | 215 | Wheeler | 423 | Wheeler | 504 |
Wheeler | 693 | White | 9 | White of Cowes | 163 | White | 613 |
White of Lessland | 824 | Whitecroft Farm House | 705 | Whitehead | 361 | Whitewood | 254 |
Whitewood | 392 | Whitewood | 518 | Whitewood | 826 | Whittington | 145 |
Whittington | 435 | Whittington | 678 | Whittington | 721 | Wight | 71 |
Wildey | 227 | Wilkes | 49 | Williams | 360 | Williams | 427 |
Williams Jonathan and Fanny | 537 | Williams | 578 | Willis | 31 | Willis | 810 |
Wise | 321 | Withers | 732 | Wood | 672 | Woodford | 376 |
Woodford | 701 | Woodhouse | 208 | Woodnut | 700 | Woodnutt | 67 |
Woolgar | 62 | Worsley | 76 | Worsley Bull | 448 | Worsley Miller | 823 |
Worsley | 837 | Wright | 292 | Wyatt | 314 | Yates | 381 |
Yeates | 420 | Yeats | 730 | Yelf | 100 | Young | 37 |
Young | 415 | Young | 446 | Young | 486 | Young and Goodall | 554 |
Young of Fishbourne | 611 | Young | 795 |