Pedigree Index
NewsFrom 3 Feb 2023 management of the index has been transferred to Mike Hoar. |
A list of the pedigrees of family trees was compiled by the late Don Hayward (with his late wife Wendy) on behalf of the Isle of Wight Family History Society. The PI was set up before the explosion of the internet and was to facilitate the connection of tree holders to each other and for enquiries. There are now more than 1760 trees in the index ( about 600 tree names) and just over 519,000 individual entries, some people are in more than 1 tree. The management of the Pedigree Index was transferred to Carol Furze, in 2016, and then to Mike Hoar in 2022. The index comprises trees submitted by people and have not been fully checked for accuracy, however much is accurate. The information in the index can be used as a guide, but do double check yourself. A list of names in the index is shown below. If a name is of interest (does not have to be one of the key surnames) then please contact Mike Hoar, the keeper of the Pedigree Index by email. Click for email address When asking about the people you are enquiring about please send as much information as possible i.e. dates/places of birth/marriage/death, maybe these are not known but the spouse or children are. Most pedigree names have several distinct lines and are not all connected to each other and there are dozens of William and Mary 'Bloggs'. The person you seek may be entered into a tree with a different name due to marriages. No information will be sent about living people. |
The full list is displayed below. Use the letter links to go to a specific starting letter. |
Abbott | Abraham | Abrook | Adams | Airs/Eyres | Alford |
Allee | Allemande | Allen | Andrews | Ansell | Arnold |
Arrowsmith | Ash | Atkey | Attrill | Ayrton | Babbidge |
Bagwell | Baker | Baldwin | Ballard | Bannister | Barham |
Barkham | Barnes | Barnett | Barry | Bartlett | Barton |
Barwicke | Bascombe | Baskett | Bastiani | Baxter | Bay |
Beale | Beauchamp | Beavis | Bebell | Bennett | Bevis |
Biddlecombe | Biles | Bilk | Birch | Bishop | Blake |
Blandford | Blee | Blow | Blunden | Bourner | Bowles |
Bown | Boxall | Boyce | Brading | Bret(t) | Bridle |
Brigstocke | Brimson | Brind | Brinton | Brodie | Brook |
Brown/Browne | Buck | Buckett | Buckler | Budden | Bull |
Bullock | Bulpitt | Bundy | Burden | Burnett | Burrows |
Burton | Bushell | Butcher | Butler | Butt | Callaway |
Cant | Cantelo | Carben | Carley | Carpenter | Cassell |
Cause | Cave | Cawse/Caws | Chambers | Cheek | Chessell |
Cheverton | Chick | Childs | Chipp | Chiverton | Churchill |
Civil | Clarke | Coffin | Cogger | Cole | Coleman |
Colenut | Collens | Collings | Collyer | Colson | Conway |
Cook | Cool | Cooley | Coombes | Cooper | Coppinger |
Corbin | Corbyn | Cork | Corke | Corney | Corr |
Cotton | Coward | Cox | Creeth | Crew/e | Cribb |
Crook | Croucher | Dabell | Dallimore | Damp | Daniel |
Dash/Daish | Dashwood | Davis | Davison | Dawson | Day |
Dear | Den Toom | Denham | Dennes | Denness | Dennett |
Denton | Dibble | Dilly | Dimmick | Donaldson | Donnellan |
Dore | Dove | Dowling | Downer | Drake | Draper |
Drayton | Driver | Drudge | Duffett | Duke | Dunford |
Dunkinson | Dunn/e | Dunning | Dyer | Earley | Edmonds |
Edmunds | Edwards | Eldridge | Elger | Elliott | Elms |
Evans | Evemy | Everingham | Exton | Eyers | Fallick |
Farley | Farrow | Feben | Fleming | Flux | Ford |
Forehead | Fox | Frampton | Francis | Frankin | French |
Frost | Fry | Fryer | Fuller | Galley | Gapes |
Gardiner | Gatrell | Gatrill | Gawn | Geddes | Gentle |
Gibbons | Gibson | Gillingham | Glasbey | Godden | Good |
Goodall | Goodenough | Gosden | Granger | Grant | Gray |
Greenham | Greening | Gregory | Griffin | Groundsell | Groves |
Gubbins | Gustar(d) | Gustard | Gutteridge | Guy | Hale |
Hallett | Halliday | Halsted | Hannam | Hansen | Harding |
Hardy | Harley | Harris | Harvey | Hatcher | Hawkins |
Hayden | Hayles | Hayter | Hayward | Heal | Hearn |
Heath | Hemming | Hendy | Heney | Henton | Hess |
Hillier | Hills | Hills | Hillyer | Hiscock | Hobbs |
Hogg | Holdway | Hollis | Holloway | Holmes | Holt |
Holton | Honeybourne | Hookey | Horlock | Horsey | Hoskins |
Houneyboun | Hounsell | Humber | Hunnybun | Hunt | Hurst |
Hutt | Huxford | Iles | Ings | Isaacs | Jackman |
Jackson | Jacobs | James | Jeffrey | Jenkins | Jenno |
Jerome | Jerram | Joblin | Johnson | Jolliffe | Jones |
Jordan | Josling | Jupe | Kearley | Kearney | Keat(e) |
Kellaway | Kelleway | Kelloway | Kemp | Kerr | Kimber |
King(e) | Kingswell | Knight | Knocker | Lacey | Lane |
Langdon | Langley | Langtry | Launder | Leal/Lale | Learmouth |
Legg(e) | Leggett | Leigh | Leonard | Leppard | Lewin |
Linington | List | Lock | Lockhart | Lockyer | Loe |
Long | Lorve | Love | Low(e) | Luter | MacAlister |
Mackett | Main | Mann | Mansbridge | March | Marsh |
Marshfield | Martin | Marvin | Matthews | May | Maybe |
McDine | Mead | Meader | Meads | Meager | Merrifield |
Merwood | Mew | Midlane | Miles | Miller | Millmore |
Minter | Mitchell | Mole | Moody | Moore | Moorman |
Morey | Morgan | Morris | Mosdell | Mosely | Moses |
Mundell | Mundy | Munford | Munt | Mursell | Newbury |
Newhook | Newnham | Niblett | Nicholls | Nobbs | Noise |
Norris | Oates | Oatley | Odell | Oglander | Old |
Olsen | Orchard | Osborn | Osman | Osmond | Page |
Paice | Parfitt | Paul | Payne | Peach | Peach/Winter |
Pearce | Peddar | Pelham | Perfect | Perkins | Perkis |
Perress | Petty | Phillips | Pike | Pilkington | Pinhorn |
Pink | Piper | Pitman | Pitt | Pittis | Please |
Plucknett | Plumbley | Plumridge | Plyer | Poland | Poore |
Pope | Porter | Pragnell | Prangnell | Pressey | Price |
Pringle | Pritchett | Punch | Purkis | Purnell | Purvis |
Quinton | Racket | Rackett | Rann | Rashley | Ratsey |
Rayner | Read | Reader | Redman | Redstone | Reed |
Reeve/s | Renouf | Rhodes | Richards | Richardson | Rickman |
Riddett | Rider | Riley | Ringer | Roach | Roberton |
Roberts | Robinson | Rogers | Rolf/e | Rose | Royle |
Russell | Ryall | Salter | Sanders | Saunders | Scott |
Scovell | Searle | Sergeant | Settle | Sexton | Sheath |
Shepard | Sheppard | Shergold | Shirley | Shotter | Sibbeck |
Sibbick | Simmonds | Sims | Sivell | Sivier | Sleaman |
Small | Smart | Smith | Smythers | Snelling | Snow |
Snudden | Souter | Souter-Suter | Southcott | Spanner | Sparshott |
Spencer | Sprack | Spragg | Sprake | St. John | Stallard |
Stamp | Stark | Stephens | Symes | Symmans | Symonds |
Tansom | Taylor | Tee | Tennyson | Terry | Tharle |
Thomas | Thompson | Thring | Tolman | Toogood | Tosdevin |
Trickett | Trim | Tuffin | Tussler | Tyler | |
Underwood | Upward | Urry | Van Cuylenberg | Vanner | Verinder |
Vine | Wade | Wadham | Walker | Waller | Ward |
Warder | Warman | Waterman | Wavell | Way | Wearn |
Weeks | Wells | Wescomb | West | Westmere | Wetherick |
Wheeler | Wheway | Whillier | White | Whitticombe | Whittington |
Wickens | Wight | Williams | Willier | Willis | Wills |
Willsteed | Windover | Winscom | Woodford | Woodmore | Woodnutt |
Woods | Woods | Worthington | Wright | Yeats | Yelf |
Young |